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Charoo 1:28 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Mutts nutz - absolutely spot on.

bruuuno 1:14 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble

The Mutts Nutz 1:11 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble

Agree with all of that. I used to work with a load of millwall girls from bermondsey and we were cut from the same cloth, only difference was that they'd stayed in the manor and my family had moved out to Essex

The Mutts Nutz 1:11 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
A dislike of Millwall runs in the blood. However having finished working in the area for 14 months recently, I was struck by just how much we lament as 'lost' in the East End survives and still thrives just across the water, particularly in Bermondsey. Pwopa backstreet boozers, pie & mash shops, small local businesses, traditional shops, a strong sense of local identity and community based on actually living there and lively markets such as East Street.

There are tensions over incursions from hipsters (as here) and ethnic populations obviously but mostly they appear to me to have been successfully accommodated and rolled with.

A lot of West Ham’s local fanbase accepted Thatcher’s shilling, sold up and moved out to the Home Counties. They then troupe back to the ground on matchdays decrying the state of their ‘old Manor ‘, whilst Millwall’s fanbase largely stayed put.

The rivalry and dislike still runs deep with me, but Millwall are an old school club with a strong working class fanbase and, as such their demise would be a sad blow to pre-96 footballing traditions.

Dwight Van Mann 11:57 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble

Reply Oliver Cromwell 12:12 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Sorry link


Rumour was Mick Harris was bumming Gary Roberts

Darby_ 11:04 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
They might be ale to ground share with Charlton.

dicksie3 10:39 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
It's scaremongering post-96 bollocks...

They're not going to fold as a club...

joe royal 10:19 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
The millwall cafe is probably the best cafe in London.

cholo 10:14 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
I want them to suffer us being successful before they go under. To be honest our two clubs rivalry seems somehow antiquated, I doubt we'll play them again in the league, at least I hope not as chances are we'd have been relegated rather than them promoted and both of those options are undesirable.

I wouldn't want them to go out of business, but in the same way I wouldn't want to see Carlisle go out of business either.

Charoo 8:16 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
I'm often over by there ground, got an office near there. When I see a cunt wearing Millwall I still have this unbridled, extreme hatred boil up in me.

However got a couple of Wall boys at work and they are good as gold.

Personally I love to hate Millwall. You need a natural enemy and for us, they are it. I hate Spurs and Chelsea but nothing runs deep like it does with Millwall.

I hope they all buy more lucky heather and get out of the shit.

Chatham 5:40 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
I fucking hate Millwall but there lies the rub. The both of us have a lot in common in regards of deprived area, tribal loyal support who are proud to support their team and like to think they're proper fans for supporting their local team.
I work for a decent sized firm ( although small when I joined ) that is owned by Millwall fans (boxes,match sponsorship etc ) and whilst I do alright I have no problem declaring that I have hit a glass ceiling progression wise because of the team I support.

When I was recovering from a brain op in 2011 they invited me to their box at the Den ( off sick at the time ) when they played us and I basically behaved like I was in the BML they've never forgotten it.

Chatham 5:20 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
When I was a an apprentice gas fitter I used to work with a bloke who was quite high in the Millwall ranks . Hard as nails . In fact when the film The Football Factory came out he was in it as a member of the Chelsea Firm ( around the card table ) he must of been a consultant or something...

normannomates 4:51 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Cromwell 2.17

Bob is quality...been in his company and is a gent.

Alfie 3:47 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Minge mound in a pair of knickers.

Buffallo stance through underwear. Ornery biiff mound. Clunge like a tiny mouses head and torso clad in lace

Bullish minge like a clementine skin

Worst Case Ontario 3:43 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble

SilverSurfer 1:17 Sat Feb 20

Oliver Cromwell 3:43 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble

Alfie 3:32 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
The fuck off arse skinge of my top bollocks cock n balls seam.

The quimmy cream of vagisil niffy cunt.
The wafty minges of the ages.

The ginger twat of the womble.

The cock tits of the mannequin sir, without shelter or unicef blankets

Oliver Cromwell 2:28 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Been interesting to see how they would of faired off the pitch if they were top flight in the 80's

Simod cup at ours thought they came out on top

Alfie 2:20 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Cock spottle twomblage

Oliver Cromwell 2:19 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Old Kent Road was a good pub crawl in the 80's

Oliver Cromwell 2:17 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
Like the ginger bloke with glasses proper game but would drop him with a single punch

Been in Bobby Woolford company a few times don't look the part but so respected over there be interesting to seen him go, lovely bloke made me welcome when met in some pub over deptford years ago had a gym above it the Clyde or something, the owner and son also top people, away from football never had a problem with them all I've met proper

Bobby Woolford run a pub over Plaistow years ago strange got on

bruuuno 2:03 Sat Feb 20
Re: Pikeys in trouble
That documentary is great Cromwell son. 5 minutes in "Tottenham are always saying they're gonna do this and gonna do that" some things never change!

Also 6 mins in they have a WHOesque argument about who goes to away games "when was the last away game you went then?" "I go all the time" etc etc

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